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Area 51 / Maximum Force Duo


Name: Area 51 / Maximum Force Duo
Developer: Atari
Genre: Rails Shooter
Year: 1998
Simultaneous Players: 2
Player Controls: Light Gun (Handgun)
Audio Output: Surround Sound
Area 51

Using a light gun you blast your way through the secret base, Area 51, which has been taken over by mutant aliens. As you work your way to the secrets at the heart of Area 51, you'll need to destroy an increasingly dangerous line of aliens, upgrade your firearm, and cause as much collateral damage as possible. The game rewards the player for destroying windows, light fixtures, computers, explosive barrels, and even fire extinguishers. Each consecutive hit increases your streak rating (which adds to your score) and certain combinations of these collateral hits will open up secret bonus rooms.

The home version has special bonuses and additional secret levels not found in the arcade version and a mouse option is available.

Maximum Force

Maximum Force is the follow up to Area 51, however, this time around instead of shooting up aliens, the player goes up against a terrorist organization.

The gameplay is similar to other first-person shooter gun games where the player can use a light gun or a controller to shoot at bad guys popping up from behind objects or coming off from the side of the screen. If a player gets shot by a bad guy, they will loose a bar of health or can also loose health by accidentally shooting innocent bystanders.

There are also power-ups scattered throughout the stage that can restore health, upgrade their weapons power among many others. There are three levels in all and 35 secret rooms scattered throughout the stages. It also supports a second player simultaneously.


Attract Mode

All High Scores

Filter: WeekMonthYearBestAll  
 Player   Streak   Score   Date   
 AAA   (Anonymous)    30   217,025   4 months ago    
 EUG   22   203,200   4 months ago    
 AAA   (Anonymous)    23   195,275   3 months ago    
 JRC   22   172,800   3 months ago    
 J24   32   162,675   3 months ago    
 AREA 51 
 4 Lives, Hard 
 NAR   19   170,250   over 6 years ago    
 JAS   26   129,450   over 6 years ago    
 J M   16   117,250       
 BTB   18   97,050   over 6 years ago    
 JIM   23   96,450       
 GUY   20   91,875       
  HS   12   70,125       
 TAZ   32   63,500       
 RW    18   55,975   over 6 years ago    
 RW    12   55,975       
 ROB   21   41,350       
  CG   24   34,625   over 6 years ago    
  CG   34   34,625       
 MLH   13   27,625       
 JKM   Jason McMillen   9   21,275   over 5 years ago    
 DDD   15   17,550       
 4 Lives, Hard 
 NIK   0   177,500   over 6 years ago    
 COP   0   140,700   over 6 years ago    
 AWF   0   134,050   over 6 years ago    
 JIM      117,250       
 JK    0   102,250   over 6 years ago    
 JMZ      96,450       
 GUY      91,875       
 DAV      70,125       
 TAZ      63,500       
 RW       55,975       
 ROB      41,350       
 CG       34,625       
 DVE      27,625       
 DSD      17,550       
 4 Lives, Hard 

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