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Sly Spy

Name: Sly Spy
Developer: Nihon Bussan/AV
Genre: Platform Shooter
Year: 1989
Simultaneous Players: 1
Player Controls: Joystick (8-Way), 2 buttons
Audio Output: Mono
A side scrolling shooter with multiple references to the James Bond series of films. Fight a variety of terrorists to save the world from a nuclear holocaust. Scenes include the standard running and jumping stages as well as mid-air fights, underwater battles, and motorcycle chases.

Help 'Sly Spy' save the world by shooting a variety of bad guys. At the start of each game you are allowed to select a three digit number for yourself of course, everyone selects 0-0-7.

The Bond villian "Jaws" shows up at the end of stage two and one of the Bond logos shows up during the attract mode. Another one of the Bond villians who also appears in the game is "Odd Job".

Your main weapon is your gun that requires a continual supply of bullets, but if it runs out you will have to kick. The ultimate power-up in this game is called the "Golden Gun" and it works almost like the cobra gun in Robocop. Certain enemies drop pieces of the Golden Gun and once it has been assembled, the gun becomes a very powerful rifle capable of destroying just about anything in it's path.


Attract Mode

All High Scores

Filter: WeekMonthYearBestAll  
 Player   Score   Date   
 007   300,000       
 110   285,000       
 119   270,000       
 117   255,000       
 177   240,000       
 813   220,000       
 893   200,000       
 999   190,000       
 991   180,000       
 123   170,000       
 234   150,000       
 345   142,000       
 456   138,000       
 000   126,600   9 months ago    
 567   125,000       
 678   110,000       
 000   108,800   9 months ago    
 789   98,000       
 000   88,400   9 months ago    
 000   85,400   9 months ago    
 666   80,000       
 001   75,000       
 002   60,000       
 003   50,000       

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